The News

The Guardian – Are genetic tests useful to predict cancer?

23 Mar 2019

Genomics Plc releases results showing the extent to which predictive DNA tests can reveal the likelihood of diseases from cancers to asthma and coronary heart disease.

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The Guardian – Health secretary wants NHS to roll out genetic tests to detect diseases

20 Mar 2019

The company that carried out Hancock’s test, Genomics Plc, has developed similar genetic risk tests for a range of other common conditions including coronary heart disease, breast cancer, asthma and diabetes.

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Genomics plc analysis featured in Matt Hancock Speech

20 Mar 2019

The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, spoke about the potential of genomic data to improve disease management in the NHS.

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Polygenic Risk Scores

1 Mar 2019

Polygenic risk scores, which consist of combining information from thousands of individual genetic variants, can be a powerful approach to identify individuals with markedly higher (or lower) risk of particular diseases.

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